Monday, March 30, 2009

Officially Official

Yes, it's true. I'M ENGAGED!!!! Taylor and I will be married in the Salt Lake Temple June 27th. I'm so excited!!! I am so lucky to be marrying a man who loves me so much, who loves the Lord, and who has such a good heart. These past three months have been filled with late night dinners, driving back and forth from Ogden to Lehi, sleeping at relatives houses, fun filled Saturdays and spending time with our families. I have loved every minute of it. 

My parents came in this week for Robbie's lacrosse tournament. It was nice to hang out with them Thursday, Friday and part of Saturday. Taylor's parents were in town too, so after Rob's game we met up with them at the Gateway. They were nice and picked up my ring in Provo before they met us. We had gone in a few weeks before (after looking at what felt like a million other places) I knew what I wanted and showed Tay.  You can't really tell from the picture but it's a solitaire setting that comes up on the sides with two pave bands on either side. It was torturous knowing that they had the ring....I wanted it! We met up with my family for dinner at Macaroni Grill. It was wonderful to have everyone meet before the wedding. I think it just eliminated some of the "parents meet the parents anxiety". I couldn't have asked for it to go better. We all hit it off wonderfully. 

After dinner Taylor was like, "Let's go drive around." I kinda whined about it. Ok. I really whined about it. We had been outside all day watching lacrosse and I was exhausted. I was driving. We were kind of a mess. I couldn't see out of my "bone dry" contacts, and Tay had just taken some medicine and was not able to watch the road. He directed me, without looking, and we ended up at Ensign Peak. From here you can see all of the Salt Lake Valley. I love it at night with the lights. It was freezing outside. More whining from me.  There were a lot more people than normal. More whining. He coaxed me out of the car and we walked down the hill a little bit away from all the people. And then...he got down on one knee, said all those wonderful things, and asked!!!!! I of course said YES!!!!

Now here is where it gets interesting. My hands were freezing, and the ring slid right on. I wore it the rest of the night and actually fell asleep with it on. When I woke up in the morning I finger looked like a sausage and Taylor's dad had to help me soap up my finger to get it off. I developed some nice bruising around my knuckle and it hurt all day. I was beyond sad. I just wanted to wear it so bad!!! I carried it around in my purse and stole glances of it all day. Today I took it back to the ring shop and they sized it. Ends up, they got the size wrong and it was a whole half size smaller than we ordered. Ugh. Now I won't get it back til THURSDAY!! How the heck am I supposed to wait that long. I guess it's just one more lesson in patience! 

p.s. I am so EXCITED!!!!! 
(don't mind the nasty picture of my hand. I think I was too excited to realize how swollen it was getting. That's what happens when you have no circulation in your fingers!) 


B&K said...


Jenna said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you. What a unique ring, did you pick it out?

Kendall said...

oh my gosh yay!!! I am so excited for you. And a little sad I won't get to see your ring tomorow. I am so happy for you!!!

Sitton said...

See it wasn't even your fault about the whole sizing thing! It is beautiful. I love it:)

Sarah Preston said...

congratulations! Being married is the best!

Kelsey Kamauu said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! I am so excited for you both! So glad to hear all about it - and p.s. your ring is gorgeous! :) is la-la land? So happy for you - hope to talk to you soon! Congratulations!

The Skousens said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you Lindsay!!! What a beautiful ring!

Tyson and Courtney said...

Gorgeous ring and I'm so so so excited for you! How sad that you can't wear it until Thursday about a serious lesson in patience! Good luck with all the wedding planning!

Kacey said...

i'm so excited for you linds! (and i'm still gonna call you so we can talk for real.)

and i feel you on the swollen finger...a girl (wearing cleats) stepped on my hand during a flag football game and my fingers are so swollen i haven't been able to wear my rings for a whole week--and counting. i miss them real bad!

hooray for mrs. mcfarland :)

Amber said...

OH. MY. GOSH.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!! I am so dang excited for you!! Getting married and planning your big day is one of the funnest things in life. Oh I am so excited for you! He seems like one amazing guy and you guys are so cute. I can't wait to hear all the details of your upcoming wedding. I love you!! p.s. your ring is gorgeous.

Unknown said...

congrats! that ring is gorgeous!!!!