Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thanks Kim!

Today was just kind of a blah day. Not great, but not horrible either. Many know that I love to get mail. I love going to the mailbox and seeing something with my name on it. Imagine my surprise when I went to the mailbox and there was a key. Now you only get a key when there is a package too big to fit in your normal box. Imagine my even greater surprise when the package was for ME!!!! 
My very talented friend Kim, who lives all the way in Indiana, sent me the cutest bag that she made! I absolutely love it and can't wait to use it! Thanks so much Kim! It completely made my whole week! 


Kelsey Kamauu said...

oh I love that bag!! I saw it on Kim's blog - what a lucky girl you are! Isn't Kim the best :) Miss ya!

Flora said...

Glad you like it! The fabric screamed your name at me when I walked past it at the fabric store :) Hope you are having a fabulous week!

B&K said...

That is soo cute!!!!